How To Be Sustainable With Your Next Holiday

As you’re no doubt aware, human activity has really started to take its toll on the planet – and you may well already have been inspired to make a few changes to how you live your life in order to reduce your impact as much as you can.
This could be anything from stopping driving to work and using your car a lot less to ridding your life of single-use plastic… but if you holiday a lot, changing how you travel, where you go and how you behave could be the best way to go about reducing your impact on Mother Earth.
Greenmatch recently designed its own infographic showing the carbon footprint that your holiday leaves behind. For example, a single return flight to perth will emit 7.3 tonnes of CO2.
To put this into context, a UK citizen will generate 7.2 tonnes of CO2 each year on average, so you might want to think about switching from long to short-haul flights each year, or perhaps opting for a staycation instead.
The fact that global tourism makes up eight per cent of the total greenhouse gas emissions might also encourage you to rethink your holidaying habits. Apparently, Brits took more holidays in 2017 than ever before, with 87 per cent saying they go on holiday at least once a year.
So what can you do to ensure that you do get a break and are able to get away from it all, without harming the planet? The most obvious one, perhaps, is staying closer to home – and you might find that by booking luxury minibus hire for you and your family to go somewhere on your doorstep that you have one of the best trips of your life… relatively guilt-free!
You could also just abandon flying and opt for another mode of transport, such as going on a cruise ship or even travelling by train, which is often the best way to see a country in any case.
Avoiding continent hopping is one way to keep your carbon footprint from increasing, so if you have to fly try to book a direct flight and avoid those stopovers (which are annoying anyway… no one likes sitting around in an airport waiting for a flight, after all).
Packing lighter can also help if you are flying, since you’ll be putting less in the plane – which means that less fuel will ultimately be burnt.
You could also look into your options where eco-tourism is concerned, with many travel operators now offering holidays that don’t have a negative impact on the planet, support sustainable development and provide financial support to local communities.