Things To Consider For The Work Christmas Party

It’s that time of year again. Businesses up and down the country are getting ready to host a festive gathering of some sort.
In most cases these are a great way to thank your staff for their hard work, but you need to set a few ground rules as an employer to ensure that everything goes smoothly and that everyone has a good time.
Practice Business offered some advice on how best to get ready for your work Christmas do. At the top of the list is making sure that all employees understand that this party is an extension of the work environment. That means they’re expected to maintain the standard of behaviour they would at work.
When it comes to drinking, businesses need to ensure they encourage their employees to be responsible. That means providing unlimited soft drinks, and potentially limiting the amount of free alcohol that’s provided.
Another top tip is to have a sober member of management present who can deal with any incidents that may come up. You should also think about how your workers will be getting home after the party. Arranging minibus hire to take everyone home could be a great option, especially if many people live in the same area.
The news provider also recommends laying out some ground rules about coming into work the next day if your Christmas do is on a weeknight, to prevent people calling in sick or turning up late.
One firm has taken the concept of a Christmas party about ten steps further. The Metro reported that the team at Logical Resource Sales and Technical Recruitment will be jetting off to Thailand for an all-expenses paid break after smashing their sales targets this year.